The Crichton Foundation invites you to join us for the next Crichton Conversation. This will take place in the Duncan Rooms, Easterbrook Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4TA.
Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS
Thursday 20th February 2025, 7:30 pm
(doors open 6:30 pm with tea and coffee available)
‘A University for the World’ – reflections on changes, challenges and opportunities for the University of Glasgow and the Higher Education Sector over the past 15 years.
We are delighted to announce that Sir Anton Muscatelli, Glasgow University Principal, has agreed to deliver the next Crichton Conversation on Thursday 20th February. Sir Anton will be retiring later this year and has agreed to do a Farewell Talk in Dumfries.
Sir Anton has been Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Glasgow since October 2009. From 2007-2009 he was Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University.
An economist, his research interests are monetary economics, central bank independence, fiscal policy, international finance and macroeconomics. Prior to 2007 he held various roles at the University of Glasgow including Vice-Principal – Strategy, Budgeting and Advancement (2004-07) and Daniel Jack Professor of Political Economy (1994-2007).
Sir Anton was Chair (2016-21) of Scotland’s First Minister’s Standing Council on Europe, a non-political group which provides expert advice to Scottish ministers on Scotland’s relationship with the EU. He was a member of the Scottish Government’s Council of Economic Advisers 2015-21, and currently advises them on the National Strategy for Economic Transformation. He was an adviser to the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee on fiscal and monetary policy between 2007-10. From 2017-20 he was Chair of the Russell Group of Universities, and between 2012-19 was a Board member of the Scottish Funding Council which provides funding and oversight of Scotland’s Colleges and Universities. He was a member of the Steering Group on the Stern Review of the Research Excellence Framework, 2016, and is currently a member of the advisory group for Sir Paul Nurse’s Review of the UK’s Research, Development and Innovation Organisational Landscape.
Sir Anton was knighted in 2017 for services to economics and higher education and was awarded the honour of Knight Commander (Commendatore) by the Republic of Italy in 2008 for contributions to higher education and economic science.
This lecture is sponsored by the University of Glasgow
To book, please Tel: 01387 203908 or 07871 475930 or Email: mail@crichtonfoundation.com
There is no charge to attend although, during these challenging times, you support is vital to allow us to continue to achieve our charitable aims. Donations are always welcome and can be made in the following ways:
Cash: a collection box will be available at the event
Online: BACS payment to Clydesdale Bank, sort code: 82.62.12, account no: 50382367
Scottish Charity Number: SC024589
Scottish Guarantee Company Number: SC361942
Registered office: Grierson House, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4ZE