Who we are

Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway exists to promote, support, and develop a strong third sector; develop social enterprise; develop volunteers and volunteering; and connect the third sector to community planning.
As the Third Sector Interface (TSI) for the region, we are passionate and ambitious for the role of our sector, for what we might achieve together with our partners and communities.
Our plan until 2027 has been published in our Prospectus for 2024-2027.
Our vision for our place in Scotland – A Dumfries and Galloway built on community, connection and opportunity, where everyone can feel they belong.
Our ambition – People and communities in Dumfries and Galloway can thrive through a strong third sector, our collective impact and securing equity, dignity, belonging and justice for all.
Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway is the operating name of Dumfries and Galloway Third Sector Interface, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC043832, funded with support from the Scottish Government, Dumfries and Galloway Council, and Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership.
Our work is aligned to the National Performance Framework, the Social Enterprise Strategy and Volunteering Outcomes Framework.
- People are more involved in their community.
- Improved cross sector collaboration.
- Key decision making includes third sector input.
- Third sector organisations are better able to respond to local need.
- Third sector organisations are better able to lead and develop shared agendas.
- Third sector organisations are better able to contribute to a strong and inclusive local social economy.
We also promote the Third Sector Fair Funding Charter, developed by the TSI Scotland Network and SCVO, to set out fair funding principles for our sector with the aim of supporting improvements in the funding our sector receives from the public and independent sectors.