Projects supported in the first round of the Fund were:

  • The Crannog Campus Project
  • Consultancy support for Local Place Planning
  • Creation Mill CIC – Textiles Hub – Pre Build Stage
  • 26-28 English Street
  • Close Project
  • Community Led Affordable Housing Project Support to Project Development and Feasibility Assessment: Gatehouse Development Initiative
  • A Glenkens route map to Net Zero
  • KPT DT Community Growing
  • Local Place Plan planning for Newton Stewart and Changing Places toilet pre-development
  • Glenlee Community-led Housing Project
  • Glenkens Food Hub Feasibility Study
  • Enabling Ellisland
  • Community Led Housing – Project Development to Feasibility: Sanquhar Enterprise Company
  • Shambellie House a Sustainable Future
  • We, the people: Digital Democracy and Placemaking
  • TSDG Children and Young People Forum Analysis
  • Digital Exclusion: Additional Analysis to Inform three-year Project Plan
  • The Harbour Farmers and Producers Market
  • Preparing for a Better Annan
  • Carsphairn Community Woodland Play Area
  • Enhancing the Visitor Experience at Crawick Multiverse
  • Rosefield Mills Riverfront Improvement
  • Ewes Hall Regeneration – Phase 1
  • Preparing Drummore Harbour for Summer Trade
  • Capacity building to unlock the polytunnel Venue Project
  • Building Blocks of Support
  • Stranraer Oyster Festival Website
  • Stranraer Water Sports Hub – Let’s Get Wet
  • Wanlockhead Museum Trust
  • 9 High Street, Whithorn
  • Dynamically Different Dumfries: Delivering the Vision

The Local Action Group (LAG) was created after a region-wide publicly advertised application process with 33 received from across Dumfries and Galloway. An independent recruitment panel, which included representation from the third, public and private sectors, then shortlisted the applicants.

The current membership of the LAG is:

  • Harry Harbottle, Chair (Third Sector)
  • Karen Ward Boyd, Vice Chair (Third Sector)
  • Susan Garnsworthy, (Third Sector)
  • Charlotte Gibson, (Third Sector)
  • Helen Keron, (Third Sector)
  • Lara Porter (Third Sector)
  • Will Marshall, (Private Sector)
  • Rupert Shaw (Private Sector)
  • Sharon Ogilvie (Public Sector)
  • Lynne Burgess, (Public Sector)
  • Archie Dryburgh, (Public Sector)