First 1000 Days Small Grants

Small grants of between £5000 to £7500 per year for work with infants/babies and their carers during the first 1000 days of a child’s life.

Community-based groups providing support to children aged 0-2 in Scotland can apply.

There are three key award criteria:

  • Programmes must be delivered with children and families from birth to two years of age (funding cannot be used to support pre-natal work or work with older children).
  • Programmes must be delivered in Scotland.
  • Applicants should be not-for-profit community-based organisations (registered charitable status is not required).

Further criteria that will guide awards are:

  • Programmes working within communities or among families who experience significant disadvantage and whose services are accessed by those who need them most.
  • Organisations which acknowledge or address a holistic range of factors and circumstances which play a key role in the first 1,000 days. These factors might include (but are not limited to) attachment, nutrition and early learning opportunities, while circumstances might include (but are not limited to) poverty and parental mental health.
  • Organisations which build relationships with their users and are responsive to the needs of their users. This can include user involvement in the delivery and design of services.

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