Loch Ken Trust, the community organisation supporting Loch Ken, is delighted to receive an award from NatureScot’s Better Places 2 Fund, as a contribution towards the ranger service around the Loch through 2021.
The Loch Ken Trust was established in 2020 to “promote the natural, cultural and recreational assets of the Loch Ken area for the benefit of the public and to support sustainable local communities.”
The summer of 2020 saw a range of issues being encountered around the Loch due to irresponsible or unmanaged visitor activity. Using funds from a variety of sources, including a contribution from the Blackcraig Wind Farm Community Fund, administered by Foundation Scotland working in partnership with the Glenkens and District Trust, the Loch Ken Trust was able in April to appoint Ken Scott as the new ranger for the Loch.
With the receipt now of an award from the Better Places 2 fund, the Trust is able to enhance the ranger service, gearing up for what promises to be a busy summer 2021 around the Loch.
Alan Smith, Chairman of the Loch Ken Trust, was delighted with the support received.
Alan said: “We are so grateful to NatureScot and the Better Places Fund for their support of the ranger service around Loch Ken through 2021. Last summer was challenging for us all and as well as the funding itself, the endorsement from national organisations like NatureScot for the work we are doing is so gratefully received. Ken Scott has made a great start in his new role and will be able to make an even greater impact now that we have additional resources.

The Loch Ken Trust has a membership representing all communities around the Loch and a committed board of Trustees who have come together to look after what is one of Galloway’s greatest assets.”
Roddy Fairley, NatureScot’s Area Manager for Southern Scotland, said: “We are delighted to help build on Loch Ken Trust’s success with this funding. By establishing great management and visitor services at the heart of the Glenkens, the loch and its surrounding area can keep going from strength to strength, as a fantastic place for visitors and locals to enjoy.”
If you would like to get in touch with the Loch Ken Trust, or if you would like to join as a member, please contact Barnaby Fryer, Loch Ken Trust Officer on: barnaby.fryer@lochkenalive.co.uk.